HOW TO READ A BILL understand the different types of legislation
 Senate Bill (SB) 
requires a majority vote; if there is a fiscal impact, requires a two-thirds vote Senate Constitutional Amendment (SCA) requires a two-thirds vote of the Legislature and a vote by the people Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 
relates to general matters of concern to the Legislature Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 
conveys to the federal government views 
of the Legislature House Resolution (HR) 
relates to matters of concern to one house AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JANUARY 15, 2011 Date noted each time bill is amended. 
AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JANUARY 5, 2011 SENATE BILL Date noted each time bill is amended. No. 1693 Bills are introduced in sequential number order in each house. Introduced by Senators Smith and Doe
(Coauthors: Senators Jones and Black) (Coauthors: Assemblymembers Wright and Thomas) Authors and co-authors listed here. July 6, 2010 Date introduced. 
 An act to add Part 9 (commencing with Section 53150) to Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to financing a housing program by providing the funds necessary therefore through the issuance and sale of bonds of the State of California and by providing for the handling and disposition of those funds, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately. Code section being added or amended. legislative counsel’s digest Legislative Counsel drafts all legislation and writes a summary. SB 1693, as amended, Smith. Housing and Homeless Bond Act of 2011. Under existing law, there are various programs providing state assistance for housing. This bill would enact the Housing and Homeless bond Act of 2011 which, if adopted, would authorize for purposes of financing a housing program, as defined in SB 1692 of the 2010-2011 Regular Session, the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $850,000,000. The bill would provide for submission of the bond act to the voters at a statewide election to be held on June 7, 2011. The bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an urgency statute. Vote: 2/3. Most bills require a majority vote. A measure with an appropriation or which takes effect immediately requires 
a two-thirds vote by each house. Appropriations: no. Fiscal committee: yes. Bills which make an appropriation or affect state spending 
must go to a fiscal committee. State-mandated local program: no. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: 1 SECTION 1. Part 9 (commencing with Section 53150) is Text of the bill 2 added to Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code, to read:
5 6 Chapter 1. General Provisions This particular bill’s language will be part of the California Health and Safety Code once it is enacted into law. The rest of the bill language is on subsequent pages. links to state agencies and media websites • live Senate hearings, sessions and press conferences • a glossary of legislative terms • the day’s scheduled events 
hearing agendas • session schedules • legislative calendar • committee information • which Senator represents you • your Senator’s webpage • and more... stay current – bills are often amended Review official legislative publications. Senate Daily File
daily agenda and bills set for hearing Senate Weekly History
indicates the status of each bill Senate Daily Journal
offical record of proceedings Legislative Index
complete listing of bills by subject matter You can find these publications, along with the full text of bills, resolutions and constitutional amendments, including status, history, votes, analyses and veto messages on the California Senate website at also on the senate website... Senator Ben Hueso capitol office State Capitol, Room 4035 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-4040 district offices 303 H Street, Suite 200 Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 409-7690 1224 State Street, Suite D El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 335-3442